Sunday, May 4, 2008

good day to anyone that may or may not be reading this blog, as for if you are or aren't either way you are still here and therefore subject to my ramblings, i'm not sure if i mentioned it in my last blog, but i'm now 19 and with that in this place that i live there are all sorts of new possibilities, well actually just one really that opens up a buncha doors... i shall say this... beer sucks, anyways, it's come to my attention, as it shall now come to yours that i am no longer single, WOOHOO for me. to bad for any ladies reading this thing, sorry ladies, guess you'll have to settle for the other guy. oh well, just thought i'd randomly come and post cause i havn't in a while. i leave with this. they say money is a neccesary evil, i say it's evil that makes money neccesary.

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