Tuesday, December 9, 2008

and so once again i shouldn't get my hopes up.

hello one and all.. tonight i was having a wonderful night, i had poetry flowing through my body like you wouldn't believe, i was dancing with glory to God without hindrance in the snow shouting his name. but i got my hopes up once again. for a few weeks now i've had my eye on someone, and i know i screwed up on a few things recently, but she didn't know how i felt doesn't even know what i've done. but now she's in a relationship.... and once again i learn that getting my hopes up only leads to them being destroyed. i don't feel any different towards her, hey i'm happy for her for finding someone, she didn't know, how could she. but now here i am again all alone and in pain. once again reliving all of my heartbreaks. is it a wonder carly why i don't wish to love anymore? is it really? anyways peace

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