Wednesday, November 19, 2008

romantics death

so it would seem i have two new poems for anyone who wants them tonight, i think both points are stated in them, so i think i'll just blather on for a bit, once again my room is freakin cold, i think jeff should move here to nipawin and we'd work at the coop and cause mass destruction throughout the town, you, the fat kid in toronto, i dislike you. brennon this goes for you even though you probably won't read it, i put some of your hurt into here.
I don’t have the rite to tell you what to do, i don’t even have the gall, i want to help you make it through cause it hurts me when you fall, when you scrape the bottom of the barrel, rock bottomless soul i wish i was still with you, to feel you made me whole. You tossed me aside not ready for me, you made me hurt but not, cause i shut it all out, i miss you, but i shut it all out so not. I didn’t show really how you hurt me, i didn’t show just how deep you had cut. I don’t think that i could stand you now but always i’ll love you, but, you moved onto another so miss me, you moved on to another mans stead, you moved onto another mans shoulder you chose him over me just instead. So i’ll just tell you now please be careful, beware of the other mans bed cause in it you’ll still be lonely and inside your soul you’ll be dead. Out of spite, out of hatred, out of lust, out of control, you’re out of things next goes your soul cause that’s all he wants and you know it, that’s all he wants in the end. While we want your love and your happiness, we want your laugh and your smile, he wants nothing like that he wants to use you a while. We always lose in the end it would seem, we always settle for less, we are the romantics longing, thats what we are we confess. But we always lose in the end it would seem, you don’t want to be praised and beloved. You want to be held as an object it seems, instead of held up in our love.

I’m losing my patience, i’m losing my warmth, i’m losing my love, and i’m losing control. I’ve lost loves before, several infact and it doesn’t change the point, romantics always lose in the end, we give our hearts away peice by peice and you never return them, you ladies who prize them, hang them dry for all to see. We see we saw, and hate it all, cause after the hearts gone the cold reigns supreme, not to be thawed by all that we’ve seen, the darkness is ruthless it shatters us all, and when my hearts gone i’ll shatter and fall, so close i can smell it so dark and disturbed i know i will hate it and love it in turn, the dirt and the filth all the darkness within the sweet smell of lust the sweet taste of sin. The romantics will die one by one till we’re gone and all that is left is your displays and we’ll think of you with hate and disgust we’ll hate you till the end of our days, cause we loved you so much and you still have our hearts but hate ourselves we now do, because it would seem we gave out our hearts the romantics now die thanks to you. I’ve come to an end now i’ve said what i must, a romantic will soon die indeed, cause my heart is out there with you and with you so soon is a sad day indeed.

there you go everyone les fin.

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