Friday, January 9, 2009

just a couple new ones

As I sit I look to the shining stars, the night. And I’m not in pain, I’ve got my flowers. And I don’t believe in miracles. But the thought that this night just might be so perfect makes me a believer in you. Maybe you can accept me for who i am, for the things that i’ve done that have made me this way. Maybe you can put up with my impulsivness, after all, i do have flowers... there is a rose here, just one in the whole bundle, the rest i couldn’t care less about, a daisy here, maybe a lilac or two there, but theres only one rose, and it’s just for you, everyone else will see this arrangment of lay mans flowers, hardly anything more than weeds, but i know you, you will see the rose and that’s all that will matter to you. Maybe you’ll see what the flowers have in common with me, maybe not, but you’ll still see that perfect little rose which i believe has something in common with you. Somehow surrounded by all the nonesense that the world has to offer you managed to stay strong and beautiful as you were, unfettered by the winds, the sun, and the rain yet here you are, a red rose among the ordinary, a beautiful thing among the rest. and maybe you’ll see me for what i really am instead of just whats on the outside, i believe you will, cause i’ve got my flowers.

A blind young bliss, to the few of this world. Need not care need not long, someone will be there. Those who want, do just that, want but do not need. Those who need, those that want, those who die, those who plead. We’ve all been around the block whether we like it or not. True happiness is not knowing what hate is to come, or coming to terms and accepting life will go on and there is always something else going to happen. If a child was to know what all was to come the pain, the joy, the tears, he would say yet while he was in the womb. “Can you promise me I won’t be hurt?” no none of us can, and yet some of us will, but broken promises just hurt more, and that’s all they’ll ever do, no happiness brought from lying to the young, one day they’ll see you for what you really are. One day they’ll see you in themselves, one day they will lose all hope for humanity, but in the meantime..... you won’t let them get hurt.... will you?

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