Friday, January 2, 2009

well then

several occasions have passed since i last wrote one of these things, Christmas, newyears, and.... ummmm, yeah i'm lacking of a third so we'll just say beef stew. i really have no idea what to write other than i wish you all a good newyears, i hope mine will trump the last but hey last year wasn't that bad compared to others, let's hope it just gets better.

I see you now, your broken wing. what would happen if i took you in. i can fix you now, you damaged thing, what would happen if i fixed that wing. would you stay with me then with the power of flight or would you leave me alone in the night. you've fallen down from the sky the ground broke your fall, should i take you in or should i let you crawl. Do you deserve something better or deserve what's you no have, do you get special treatment and my love? Do i take you in or leave you there or simply end it now, special treatment or death from above. i'm above you now, ha, who ever would have thought it, you're broken and now beneath me. but i could fix you you know, i could make it all right back the way that it used to be.... why would i want that, why would i want once more to be down here to watch you soar to watch you climb above the clouds while i'm down here on the ground. i'll end it now while our hopes are both so low, like you on the ground a broken winged swallow, and me for once above you, i hold the power, i could fix you or kill you, yes i hold the power.
i'm going to destroy you, i'm jealous you see, for you fly so high, above. i'm going to kill you yes it is me, who will be your undoing demise. for i hate how you fly in the skies.

yeah lol i just wanted to write about a birdy, lol, i'm bringin back some of the old morbidness into my writting incase some haven't noticed, mind you not many of you have read my old stuff.

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