Wednesday, October 15, 2008

another day, another peice of electronics has aids

good day ladies and gentlemen, actually i'm not sure how many people actually read this so just hello to whoever has enough time to do so, for those of you who don't know my writting style, i write to draw emotion from the reader, doesn't matter if i felt whats in the words or not, they aren't really from me most of the time, i'm just the vessel, i do not read what i write most of the time, i thank some of you for your concern but in all honesty not many tears were shed, sorry, here's a new one for the world to see i guess, i been workin on it a while, well rather i started writing it long ago and left it, i read it on my walk about (rather drive about) while sitting in my car i edmonton during a storm, this is how it ended up,

fueled by the pain you throw back on me my fire burns bright in the skies, you say that you love me, you say i'm the one, but you say you live life with lies,
what to beleive, who to decieve, held back by fire and desire, i let myself go to the end of my line, said things i regret, it's transpired, but i said it all, cause you made me fall the woman once i had desired.
birds fly with wings, so high above us all, but you'd clip their wings and cause them to fall, i soared once like them in cold, clearly bliss, but now it seems a tale to tall, i once beleived that i could soar where eagles glide and men adore but i have learned a little thing, about a girl who clips birds wings, higher and higher the heat it would send me, now i walk down by the flames, cut off my wings and pain is not all i receive, a life of wanting to fly up above, to look down on war and love and such petty squabbles, but all that forgotten my broken wings rotten i smell them and cry in despare.
You took my dreams, and now they're regrets i sit alone with my cigarettes i spin this tale about all these things, a stupid girl who clips birds wings. i thought you'd help me back to my nest but all i have now is pain and unrest, i cannot fly like my brothers no more, cause i know a girl... who's really a whore. a whore to the world, false pleasures it brings, a whore to a song, whichever she sings, a whore to the pain, she loves what she brings, you're just a whore, who clipped this birds wings.
So many times i've tried to ignore the pain that you gave me and i tried to sore but i fall from the trees to the filth at the floor because of you, stupid girl whore.

that's that one, it was about a previous relationship and how i felt about it, but i finished it after yet another break up, so it's actually just got raw pain but more poetic and visual than some of the other things i've written, and this one, like FEW others i actually put myself into, thought about it, used my feelings and not just ideas, there should be a new one coming out of me any day now, and not to worry to any of you who care, artists live on pain of one kind or another, longing is pain, loving is pain, hating is pain, acceptance is pain, life in general is pain but finding words to describe and ways to carry on is beauty, ladies and gentlemen writting is both my pain and my beauty, i don't write so i feel, i feel that i should write, this or that, doesn't matter, as long as it makes a difference to someone, i may not even know who, but if you've read this, i hope you've thought about something, anything, as long as you've felt, that's what my art is about, you, the reader, your feelings... enjoy

1 comment:

Ms. Music said...

Artists do use pain to fuel them. Musicians like myself do too. But there are other emotions to fuel your art. Haha, usually the emotions that come BEFORE the pain. Focus on those, and I think you'll be a happier person.